Making Health Data Accessible: Stride's Mission to Simplify Lab Results

Published 31/08/2024


Health data is personal—it’s about you, your body, and your well-being. Yet, traditionally, accessing and understanding this information has been a challenge for many. Often, lab results come in encrypted PDFs filled with jargon that only a medical professional can decipher. At Stride, we believe that needs to change. Our founder, Andrew Steele, is on a mission to make health data clear, simple, and actionable for everyone.

The Challenge with Traditional Lab Results

Lab tests have been around for decades, but the way results are presented hasn’t evolved much. Typically, you might get a PDF sent to you, sometimes encrypted, with a list of numbers, markers, and terms that can be hard to interpret. The expectation is that a healthcare professional will explain this to you, but what if you want to understand it yourself?

Andrew Steele, Stride’s founder, finds this approach problematic. “It’s your own data about your own body,” he says. “Why shouldn’t you have the right to see it and understand it directly?”

Stride’s Approach: Clarity and Accessibility

Stride’s approach to health data is different. We believe that every person should be empowered to understand their health information without needing a medical degree. This means going to great lengths to simplify complex laboratory data, so it’s easy to understand for both practitioners and the end user.

Recently, we received some of the most rewarding feedback from a customer who took our methylation test. They said it was the “best experience” they’ve had when taking a lab test—even for such a complex biological pathway. This is exactly the kind of response we aim for.

Breaking Down Complex Data into Clear, Actionable Insights

For Andrew, the goal is to break down complicated data into a format that anyone can understand and act upon. Whether it’s a methylation test or any other type of diagnostic, our reports are designed to tell you three things:

  1. What You Have: A clear explanation of your results.

  2. What It Means: The potential outcomes or implications of these results.

  3. What You Can Do: Actionable steps or changes you can consider making.

This level of clarity is essential for empowering people to take control of their health. It’s not just about providing information; it’s about providing understandable and actionable insights.

Empowering the End User

At Stride, we’re driven by the belief that people should be at the centre of their own healthcare journey. You have the right to know what’s happening in your body and the right to understand what those findings mean. This philosophy extends across all of our offerings—from lab tests to supplements and personalised health plans.

Conclusion: A Simpler, More Transparent Future for Health Data

The feedback we’ve received from our customers reinforces what we’ve always believed: that making health data easy to understand empowers people to make better decisions about their health. At Stride, we’re committed to continuing this journey, ensuring that everyone has access to clear, concise, and actionable health insights.

Find out more about how we’re simplifying health data for everyone at